Sunday, August 10, 2014

Another Romaine Wrap

 In my other blog you got to know a little about my eating habit and some progress I made with food. One thing that is always in this house is Romaine Lettuce.  Just so you know, this is a simple and not artsy blog and do this when I have time. Therefore these food blog are very simple. So lets start, as always I worked with what I had at home.
There are five leaves of romaine and half a cucumber. As always I have the process of cleaning it with apple cider vinegar.
These are actually organic carrots they look funny (hehe). I used two carrots and used a grater. Avocado a whole one, some red onion just for taste (raw) and half a lime.
With the ingredients above I mixed them up in a bowl, feel free to add more color or even spices for taste! 

Here is fun and last part you fill them in with the filling, don't overload or once you roll the romaine letter it will crack in half if you do. That is pretty much it. Warning these will fill you up I promise! I should know I am a heavy eater.


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